Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lakeland Outpouring/Revival

I have been a Christian as long as I can remember. Matter of fact I have always joked that I was weaned on the front row of church. I am so thankful for the experiences I have had along the way. I have learned much from my own successes/failures, and from others as well. I have also had the luxury of having been in some amazing services where God has poured out his spirit, glory, fire, anointing, etc from my roots at Calvary Temple Assemblies of God, to World Harvest w/Rod Parsley, Evangelist Eastman Curtis and Destiny Church, Oral Roberts University Chapel Services, to here at Abundant Life Church where I am currently serving as Pastor. Every "powerful/amazing service" I have taken part of there is always a measure of "Humanity" involved. In other words people inevitably will miss it do to We are Human. With every "move of God, revival, and outpouring" there will always be an "eat the chicken and spit out the bones" mentality. Unfortunately many people who point a finger at the "sensationalism or flesh" of any "outpouring" have never even attended a service. Many people discount the 75% that is God for the 25% that is sensationalism. In other words they spit out the chicken with the bones.
Having actually attended 4 different services at the Lakeland outpouring, I can attest that God's presence/power/glory is there. I'll be the first to agree and believe that some people get caught in the moment and in an adrenaline rush (sensationalism) they declare they are healed. Some, even in faith, declare they are healed even though they might not have received it. And maybe some of the doctrine is off. BUT what about the some that actually do get healed, saved, and set free. The problem is that what many of us suffer from (including myself), is putting God in a box, our American religious tradition box (including Charismatic’s and Pentecostals). Just because something is new or unfamiliar with us, doesn’t mean it isn’t God. If you really look at the Gospels JESUS WAS CONTROVERSIAL! He style of ministry, the way he spoke, the supernatural. Almost all of it was controversial to the people of his day. That is why I am cautious as not to discredit a move or a person, just because I don’t understand or I am unfamiliar with what is happening. Jesus even used controversial people as disciples; a tax collector, fishermen (a rough bunch even now), and guys with hot headed tempers. I bet some of them even had TATOOS! Notice Jesus didn't go and call the religious, had it all together, church members. He called them from the world and made them righteous and were used to birth the modern day church. How cool is that. if Jesus did it, how much more than should we.
I don't know about you, but I never want to miss out on what God is doing. Even if I don't agree or understand all of it. I am gonna jump in and get wet.

1 comment:

hoosier reborn said...

I've only a cursory understanding of the Lakeland outpouring. You mentioned a certain humility present in these outpourings of God's spirit...witnessed this in a huge way twice, once in my former home church-Lester Sumralls church and again about a year ago in my current home church-neither time was a word uttered from the pulpit. Interesting how God works.
