Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lakeland Outpouring/Revival

I have been a Christian as long as I can remember. Matter of fact I have always joked that I was weaned on the front row of church. I am so thankful for the experiences I have had along the way. I have learned much from my own successes/failures, and from others as well. I have also had the luxury of having been in some amazing services where God has poured out his spirit, glory, fire, anointing, etc from my roots at Calvary Temple Assemblies of God, to World Harvest w/Rod Parsley, Evangelist Eastman Curtis and Destiny Church, Oral Roberts University Chapel Services, to here at Abundant Life Church where I am currently serving as Pastor. Every "powerful/amazing service" I have taken part of there is always a measure of "Humanity" involved. In other words people inevitably will miss it do to We are Human. With every "move of God, revival, and outpouring" there will always be an "eat the chicken and spit out the bones" mentality. Unfortunately many people who point a finger at the "sensationalism or flesh" of any "outpouring" have never even attended a service. Many people discount the 75% that is God for the 25% that is sensationalism. In other words they spit out the chicken with the bones.
Having actually attended 4 different services at the Lakeland outpouring, I can attest that God's presence/power/glory is there. I'll be the first to agree and believe that some people get caught in the moment and in an adrenaline rush (sensationalism) they declare they are healed. Some, even in faith, declare they are healed even though they might not have received it. And maybe some of the doctrine is off. BUT what about the some that actually do get healed, saved, and set free. The problem is that what many of us suffer from (including myself), is putting God in a box, our American religious tradition box (including Charismatic’s and Pentecostals). Just because something is new or unfamiliar with us, doesn’t mean it isn’t God. If you really look at the Gospels JESUS WAS CONTROVERSIAL! He style of ministry, the way he spoke, the supernatural. Almost all of it was controversial to the people of his day. That is why I am cautious as not to discredit a move or a person, just because I don’t understand or I am unfamiliar with what is happening. Jesus even used controversial people as disciples; a tax collector, fishermen (a rough bunch even now), and guys with hot headed tempers. I bet some of them even had TATOOS! Notice Jesus didn't go and call the religious, had it all together, church members. He called them from the world and made them righteous and were used to birth the modern day church. How cool is that. if Jesus did it, how much more than should we.
I don't know about you, but I never want to miss out on what God is doing. Even if I don't agree or understand all of it. I am gonna jump in and get wet.

Monday, July 14, 2008

More Thoughts on Prayer

For many people prayer in something that you do at dinner or only in emergencies, you know the “help me God” prayer! For a Christian, prayer is a must and foundational to their relationship with God. Prayer isn’t about folding your hands or even closing your eyes. Prayer in its simplest definition is “communicating or talking with God.” That simple. Many times I talk to God just like I talk to my wife or friend. Matter of fact we should treat God like our closest of friends. We need to talk to him all throughout the day. As a husband, it would be ridiculous and hazardous to my marriage if I only talked to my wife once a day. I tell God when I feel like my day stinks, when I need help with my attitude, when life isn’t fair, and always say “Thank you” because I am grateful. Talking with God is just the beginning. Here are some keys to remember.

1. Be Honest! 1st Peter 5:7 says “cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!” You can’t fool God. Don’t be afraid to tell him you’re darkest fears, biggest dreams, painful past, frustration, anger, joy, and everything in between. God wants to hear it all. The great part is HE can handle it!

2. Be Persistent! Jesus said in Matthew 7:7 “Ask , (and keep on asking) and it shall be given; seek, (and keep on seeking) and you shall find; knock, (and keep on knocking) it shall be opened to you. Don’t give up!

3. Be Patient! This is a hard one especially in this generation of instant messaging, email, and texting. God answers prayer in his time, not ours. God answers prayer in his way, not ours. Because he knows what’s best, when it’s best!

4. Pray God’s Word. 1st John 5:14 declares “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us!” The key is “according to his will.” What is his will? His Word. God’s will is found in the pages of the bible. It is will that we have salvation, peace, joy, righteousness, healing, deliverance, and so much more.

5. Be passionate! James 5:16b says “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.” The word “fervent” means that if you are a solid, you are “red hot,” if you are a liquid you are “boiling over.” Don’t be afraid to cry, laugh, and shout when you pray.

6. Prayer is a practice. That’s right. Just like playing the piano or playing basketball. The more you do it the better you get. You also learn from watching and listening to others.

7. Understand that if prayers go unanswered, it is not because God doesn’t love us. We are finite. We have an ending. God is infinite. He has no beginning or end. He cannot be contained. In other words if for some reason a prayer does not get answered, God knows something that we don’t. And we may not even know why. Our job is to trust in Him that he knows what is best.

8. Finally, prayer is a two way street. Prayer doesn’t do us any good if we do all the talking. Sometimes God already has the answer the moment we pray but we don’t take time to listen. Matter of fact I was taught that Prayer is 2/3rds listening, 1/3rd talking. Why? We have two ears and one mouth. Learn to hear the voice of God in prayer and through his word.