Friday, December 5, 2008

Are you an Authentic or a Replica?

As I am wide awake at 1:30 in the morning I was staring at my framed, tripled matted, autographed Tom Brady jersey hanging on the wall in our family room. It really is a thing of beauty. Especially for the price I paid. Some people probably wouldn't believe that the jersey and autograph are real, except that I have a seal and certificate of authenticity from a major company. Matter of fact, that was the first thing I looked for when purchasing this item, I wanted to know that it was authentic. Genuine. Bona fide. The Real Deal. Not a fake, imitation, or a replica.
Here is where I am going. The world needs to see authentic, genuine, bona fide Christians. People who not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. They need to see a genuine love, genuine life, that there really is something different. Do others see something different about you, about your marriage, your life? Or do they just see you doing that "church thing." Do they see you as a replica/lookalike/imitation or do they see you as the "real deal?" If you are genuine, even when you mess up, people don't get fed up, because they know you are "for real."
Finally, My desire is to have the "Highest Seal of Approval" from Jesus Christ. Ultimately what I do and how I live won't satisfy everyone. My concern is that I live a surrendered life to Honor the one who gave me life and the life that I now live for Him.